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The File Manipulator Program
User Manual
The purpose of the File Manipulator program is to provide DOS
users with an easy way to manipulate disk files. With this program you
can copy, move, delete and rename files. You can also change file
attributes and file dates. Subdirectory manipulations include add,
delete and rename. Check disk statistics and format diskettes. You
can even hide and unhide files and subdirectories.
FM - The File Manipulator, is copyright 1991 by Simple Software
Solutions, all rights reserved. It is neither free nor public domain.
If you use this program you are expected to register your use by paying
the requested $25.00 registration fee (Georgia residents add 5% tax) to
receive the latest registered user version of FM - The File
Manipulator. You are hereby granted license to distribute the
shareware version of FM as long as no fee is charged except for a
copying fee and all the files supplied with the shareware version are
included on the disk. The following files MUST be included:
FM.EXE The File Manipulator Program
FM.DOC This File - User documentation
REGISTER.TXT Registration Form to use to
register FM so you can receive the
current registered version.
If all of the above files are not included on your shareware disk or in
the .ZIP file feel free to write Simple Software Solutions and request
a shareware copy of FM for your review. We charge a copying fee of
$3.00 to do this. If you specify we will send you a copy of all our
shareware offerings (including FM) on disk (in .ZIP file format) for
the same $3.00 shipping and handling charge.
Installing and running FM
FM is easy to install on your fixed disk drive. Put the program
disk in your A: drive and type:
copy a:fm.exe c:
It is suggested that you place FM.EXE in a directory that is in your
path (specified in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file). To run FM just type:
You can run fm on a disk that is not your current drive by typing the
drive letter on the command line like this:
fm A:
And fm will run using the A: drive instead of your current drive. The
program will take a few seconds to scan the disk to obtain the
subdirectory data. The amount of time depends on the amount of data on
the disk. When FM is finished with its scan it will display the main
display screen.
The FM Screen
The main screen is divided into several boxes which have their
assigned functions. The information in some of these boxes changes
depending on what mode the program is in. FM has two operating or
display modes: The Directory Mode and the File Mode. The menus
displayed on the top and bottom lines on the screen (discussed later)
are different for each mode. The bottom two boxes on the screen change
function between modes also.
The Subdirectories Box:
The left side of the screen is devoted to the subdirectory list.
In Directory mode a highlight bar is in this box. Using the cursor
keys you can move the highlight bar up and down to pick a subdirectory
you wish to look at. If there are more subdirectories on the disk than
will fit in this box they can be viewed by using the Page Up and Page
Down keys.
The Files Box:
You may view the files in any subdirectory by highlighting that
subdirectory and hitting the Enter key. This puts FM in File mode. The
files will be displayed in the large box on the right. At this time a
highlight bar will appear in this box which can be moved to any file
with the cursor keys. If there are too many files to be listed in this
box the Page Up and Page Down keys may be used to view them.
The File and Disk Statistics Box:
In File mode the small box in the lower left shows the
information on the file highlighted. Included is the file name, size
(in bytes), the file date and time, and attributes. The attributes are
shown by letters:
A Archive
H Hidden
S System
R Read Only.
When the program is in Directory mode this box shows the total
number of directories on the disk.
The Bytes Box:
In Subdirectory mode the small box in the lower right shows the
total free space on the disk (available storage). When in File mode
this box has one of two things in it. Normally it shows how many bytes
are in the files in the subdirectory. Once you start marking files this
box displays the total bytes in the marked files.
FM Operation
As stated above, FM operates in two modes, File Mode and
Directory Mode. The menus on the top and bottom lines of the screen
change depending on what mode the program is in.
Directory Mode
In Directory mode the cursor up and down keys move the highlight
bar up and down highlighting the various directories displayed in the
left box. If there are more directories than will fit in the left box
the Page Up and Page Down (PgUp and PgDn) keys will show more
directories. Hitting the Enter key transfers FM into File Mode.
FM transfers to file mode by reading the directory of the higlighted
subdirectory and displaying the file names in the right box. If
there are no files under the highlighted subdirectory FM will beep and
remain in Directory mode. Hitting the Esc key will exit FM back to
DOS. Various other functions available in directory mode are displayed
as menu items across the top line of the screen.
F1 Tag:
Hitting the F1 key will tag the currently highlighted
subdirectory. With the F1 key you can mark a set of subdirectories
that you can then perform operations on. For example, you can tag
several directories to be deleted. Hitting the Space Bar will also tag
F2 Disk Summary:
The F2 key gives you a summary of disk statistics. Theses
statistics include the Volume ID (disk label), the total capacity of
the disk in bytes, the number of bytes used by files, the number of
bytes allocated for the files, and the free space available for use.
Also shown is the disk utilization, the persent of the total capacity
that is actually used, the percent of space still available and the
utilization efficiency.
Disk space is allocated by DOS in blocks. While a file put on the
disk may be only 512 bytes DOS will allocate at least 1024 bytes for
the file (most hard disk drives have 2048 byte blocks). The other 512
bytes are tied up with this file even though the file does not need
them. This is wasted space on the disk. The directory entry still
shows only 512 bytes as the file size but 1024 (or 2048 or whatever the
block size is) bytes are marked as used. If only the 512 byte file
mentioned above is on the disk FM would show 512 bytes "in files" but
1024 (or whatever blocksize is) bytes allocated. The free space on the
disk is the disk capacity minus the allocated amount, NOT the amount of
space in files. Thus the utilization efficiency of the disk storage
would be 50% in this case.
F3 System Options:
System options are items that do not deal with files or
directories. There are three options available on system functions.
Format Disks
The first system option is formatting disks. Choosing this
option will pop up a window giving you choices of disk letters and
formatting options. You can format any disk from A: to F: except for
the C: drive. This is because most hard disk systems boot from the C:
drive and reformatting this drive could mean disaster for a system that
boots from this drive. The options available include formatting older
type disks with eight sectors per track, formatting 360K disks on a
1.2MEG drive, formatting 720K disks on a 1.44MEG drive, formatting
system disks, putting a volume ID on the disk, etc. You can choose the
options by moving the highlight bar to the option you want and hitting
the Enter key. If you change your mind you can move the highlight bar
to the option and hit the Enter key again and it will be "deselected."
Warning: Some of the options are not compatable with each other.
Consult your DOS manual for detailed explanations of the formatting
options. When you are ready you can start the formatting by hitting
the F1 key or abandon the format option by hitting the Esc key. The
formatting is actually done by calling the DOS format command supplying
the appropriate option switches. Therefore the DOS FORMAT.COM command
must be available on your system to use this option.
Set System Date/Time
You can set your system date and time using the next system
option. This is very simple. A window will pop up giving the current
system date and time. You may edit the date and time and hit F1 to
reset the system clock to the new date and time or hit Esc to abandon
the option.
Change Current Disk Drive
This system option allows you to change the current drive. If you
are looking at the C: drive and wish to change and look at the D: drive
you would use this option to switch drives. Simply type the drive
letter of the drive you want and FM will change to that drive and read
the disk.
Locate Files by Name
This system option will search your entire disk for a file with a
given name that you supply. When you pick this option a window will
pop up asking you for the name of the file. You may use wildcards (*,
?) to specify a group of files (*.EXE, for example). The File
Manipulator will then search the entire disk for files that match the
name and show you the full path for each file.
F4 Manipulate Directories:
Function key F4 gives you options to make changes in the
directory structure on the current disk. The options are add, hide (or
unhide), rename and delete directories.
Add a Directory
To add a new directory to the disk just choose the add option and
type in the (full) name of the subdirectory you wish to add. Note that
if you wish to add a subdirectory under another subdirectory you must
type the full path name you wish to add. For example, suppose you want
to add the subdirectory A to the disk under the existing subdirectory
X. You would type the full path name that you wish to add or: \X\A.
Hide/Unhide Directories
Subdiredtories, like files, can be hidden from view. If a
subdirectory is hidden it will not be displayed by the DOS DIR command.
FM will show subdirectories whether they are hidden or not. If you
wish to hide a directory or unhide a hidden directory you can use the
hide/unhide option. When you select this option you will be asked to
choose either hide or unhide. After you make that selection you are
given a choice of what subdirectories to operate on. You may hide or
unhide the current (highlighted) subdirectory, all tagged
subdirectories (see the F1 option above) or all untagged
Rename a Directory
Sometines we find out that the name we chose for a subdirectory
is inappropriate for what we ultimately use it for. In this case we
would like to rename it. We can always create a new subdirectory with
the better name and copy all the subdirectory files into it and then
remove the old subdirectory. But what if the subdirectory has
subdirectories of its own? We will now have to recreate the entire
subdirectory structure! It is much less trouble if we can just rename
the subdirectory in place. This is what the rename option does. To use
this option first locate the subdirectory you wish to rename and move
the highlight bar to it (this makes it your "current" directory). Then
execute the rename command. The name of the current subdirectory will
be displayed. Type the new name of the subdirectory over the old name
and hit the Enter key. The job is done. If the subdirectory has a
subdirectory structure of its own under it all their paths are
automatically changed. For example, if we change subdirectory \X to \Y
and subdirectory A is under X (path \X\A) the new path for A is now
\Y\A. Note: Do NOT attempt to change path \X\A to \Y\A directly.
This will not work. Select \X and change its name to \Y and A will
take care of itself.
Delete Directories
If you find yourself with a subdirectory you no longer need you
can remove that subdirectory using the DOS RD (Remove Directory or
RMDIR) command. But if there are subdirectories or files under the
subdirectory you wish to remove RD will refuse to remove the
subdirectory. You must first erase all files and remove all
subdirectories under the subdirectory you wish to get rid of. While
this is a protective feature of the RD command for those of us who know
what we are trying to do this can cause the task of removing an entire
subdirectory structure to be a real pain. The Delete Directories
option works much quicker. With this option you highlight the
subdirectory you wish to delete, choose the option and the entire
subdirectory will be deleted, including all subdirectories under it and
all files in it. You can even tag several subdirectories and the
delete option will remove all of them. Or you can tag the
subdirectories you want to keep and delete all the rest of them. A
warning must be given here. If you decide to delete subdirectory X
which contains subdirectory A (path \X\A) then subdirectory A will be
removed also. You cannot delete X and leave A.
Print Directories
You can print the directories and files on your printer. There are
two options to printing directories. You may print just the directories
with their names, total bytes occupied and total number of files under
it or you may choose to print a list of all files under each directory.
If you choose to list all files it may take a large amount of time to
print. If you decide to quit early hitting the Esc key will abort the
File Mode
Hitting the Enter key in directory mode causes FM to read the
file directory under the current (highlighted) subdirectory. If there
are no files under the current subdirectory FM will beep and not go
into file mode. In file mode FM displays a list of the files in the
current subdirectory in the right box on the screen. A highlight bar
will appear in that box indicating the "current" file. The file
statistics box (lower left on screen) displays the directory
information on the highlighted file. The bytes box (lower right)
displays the total bytes in the selected files. In file mode the
cursor arrow keys (up, down, right and left arrows) will move the
highlight bar to the different files in the list. If there are more
files in the subdirectory than will fit on the screen the PgUp and PgDn
keys may be used to "page" back and forth so all files in the
subdirectory may be seen. The Esc key will return you to Directory
Mode. Hitting the Enter key or space bar will tag (or untag) the
current (highlighted) file. Various other functions available in file
mode are displayed across the top line of the screen.
F1 File Selection:
You may select, sort or tag files by using the options under the
F1 menu.
Order (Sort) Files
The files list is sorted in alphabetical order by file name when
FM first enters file mode. You can change the sort sequence by
choosing the "Order" option. You may sort the files by file name in
alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order. You may sort by file size
starting with the smallest or largest file. You also may sort by file
date from earliest or latest date/time.
Select Files
Sometimes you may want to look at only a certain subset of the
files in the subdirectory. With this option you may select files by
name in much the same way you would do it using the DOS DIR command.
For example, if you wanted to look at only files with an extension of
.DAT you could select them by putting *.DAT in for the selection
Tag Files
The ability to tag files is one of the most important functions
in FM because you can then manipulate tagged files with one command
instead of having to repeat the command for each file you want to
manipulate. To put it another way, you can perform batch processing of
files. You may tag or untag all files in the subdirectory, reverse the
file tags (the files that were tagged are not but the files not tagged
now are tagged), or tag files by name, size, date or attributes. If
you tag by name you can enter any file names with wildcard characters
(* and ?). For example, if you wanted to tag all file beginning with R
that have extensions of .DAT you would type:
when asked for the file names. Tagging by size will tag all files
larger than the size (in bytes) you specify. If you wish to tag all
files smaller than a certain size you can tag by size and then reverse
tags. Similarly, tagging by date will tag all files newer than (with
dates after) the date you input. Use reverse tags to tag all files
before a date. Tagging by attribute will allow you to tag files with
certain file attributes. You can tag all hidden files, all system
files and all read only files.
F2 Modify File Entries:
Each file on your disk has an entry in a directory. The F2 set
of options allows you to modify these directory entries. A typical
directory entry consists of the name of the file, the size of the file,
the date the file was last modified and the file attributes associated
with the file. You may modify the file name, file date and the file
attributes with FM.
Change Current File Name
You can change the name of the current (highlighted) file. When
you select this option a window will pop up giving you the name of the
current file and a second line where you may input the file name you
wish to change it to. If you decide you did not wish to change the
file name hit the Esc key.
Change File Dates
File dates can be changed for the current file, all tagged files
or all untagged files. This option pops up a window with the current
files date/time in it. You may then change the date and/or time. Hit
F1 if you wish to change the file dates or Esc to exit without changing
anything. You can change dates on tagged or untagged files.
Change File Attributes
Here is where you can hide or unhide files. You can also make
them read only so nobody can erase them (unless they are using FM or
some other more expensive utility). You can also make system files,
and, last but not least, you can set the archive on or off.
If the hidden attribute of a file is on the DOS DIR command will
not display it when you ask for a directory. So the file is, well,
hidden from view. Even though a file is hidden it can still be used.
For example, you could hide a program file so it does not show on the
directory but you can still execute the program by typing its name on
the command line. By setting the hidden attribute off you can make a
file that was hidden visible again. Note that it makes no difference
to FM whether a file is hidden or not. FM will display all files in
its directory listings. The expanded information in the lower left box
will show the hidden attribute on.
If the read only attribute of a file is on you cannot modify or
erase the file. Obviously, you would not want to make your checkbook
file or other data files read only. But you might want to make a
program file or a static data file read only to prevent someone from
tampering with it or accidentally erasing it. A good file to make read
only is the DOS COMMAND.COM file. That way you won't accidentally
erase it and not be able to boot the computer. This attribute affords
a good way of protecting valuable files from accidents. A word of
warning about FM: The FM erase file option will erase ANY file. Even
read only files. FM assumes that you know what you're doing.
As best as we can tell DOS ignores the system attribute on files.
The implication is that the file so marked belongs to the DOS operating
system and is used by DOS for something. There are only two files that
we know of that DOS marks as system files. COMMAND.COM is not one of
them! The two system file names vary from version to version of DOS
but they are usually IBMIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM (or IBMBIOS.COM, etc.).
These two files are also hidden and read only. In fact, every file
attribute is on for these files. At any rate, FM allows you to turn
the system attribute on and off.
Unlike the system attribute, the archive attribute is important.
It is used by the DOS BACKUP command to determine what files have been
changed since the last backup. It is also used by the XCOPY command to
keep up with which files it has coppied. DOS supplies the ATTRIB
command to set the archive attribute but you can do the job with FM.
F3 File Manipulation:
This option is where FM, the File Manipulator, gets its name.
Among the "manipulations" you can do to files are copy, move, erase and
run a program file.
Copy Files
You can use FM to copy files from one place or disk to another.
When you select this option a window will pop up requesting that you
enter the destination path. This is where you wish to copy the files
to. For example, if you wish to copy some files to the A: disk you
would type:
here. If you wish to copy the files to another subdirectory enter the
complete destination path. Hit the Enter key to begin or the Esc key
to abandon the copy. Next you will be given the choice of copying all
files on the subdirectory, just the current (highlighted) file, all
tagged files or all untagged files. FM checks the destination disk to
see if there is enough free space to put each file on the disk before
it does the copy.
Move Files
FM will also move files from one place to another. This option
operates just like the move files option except once each file is
copied it is then removed (erased) from the source (current) directory.
You can move the current file, all files, all tagged files or all
files not tagged. FM will check to see that the files can be moved to
the destination before it starts to copy them. If there is not enough
room FM will issue an error message and stop. It will not erase a file
that has not been copied.
Erase Files
You may erase files using FM. FM will erase all files, just the
current file, all tagged files or all files not tagged. WARNING:
Normally files marked read only cannot be erased. This is not true of
FM. If FM sees that a file is read only it will turn the read only
attribute off and proceed to erase the file. Be careful when using FM
to erase files on a DOS disk to be sure you don't erase the DOS system
Run a Program File
To run another program from FM move the highlight bar to
highlight the program file you wish to run and choose this option. The
program you picked will run immediately. When you exit the chosen
program you will return to FM.
Print Directory
This option allows you to print a list of the files in the
current subdirectory. You may abort this print by hitting the Esc key.
Quick Keys: (Registered Version Only)
Once you are used to using FM you will find that having to pull
down the option menus with the function keys wastes keystrokes and
slows you down. At this point you are ready to start using the quick
keys. By holding down the Alt key and hitting one of the letter keys
you can go directly to the option you wish to use without going through
the function key, cursor down, enter key sequence first.
The following is a list of quick keys you can use with the
registered version of FM:
Directory Mode
Alt A Add a Directory
Alt C Change Disk Drive
Alt D Delete Directory
Alt F Format Disks
Alt H Hide/unhide Directories
Alt P Print Directories
Alt R Rename a Directory
Alt T Change System Time/Date
File Mode
Alt A Change File Attributes
Alt C Copy Files
Alt D Change File Dates
Alt E Erase Files
Alt M Move Files
Alt N Change File Name
Alt O Order (Sort) Files
Alt P Print File List
Alt R Run a Program File
Alt S Select Files
Alt T Tag Files
Disclaimer and Warranty
This program is distributed as is with no warranties expressed or
implied. Note that many of the options in this program will erase,
move or otherwise modify files and directories on your disk. Care
should be taken when using this program to avoid accidentally
destroying data. In other words, make sure you know what you are
doing! The author of this program and Simple Software Solutions
disclaim any responsibility for any damage or loss of data resulting
from the use or misuse of this program. Please feel free to write us
concerning any problems or suggestions for improvement in this
software. Send inquiries to Simple Software Solutions, P.O. Box 1658,
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30246. Be sure to include your return address.